On Track Connect aims to assist young people who have left school in the previous year and who are not studying or in full time work at the time of the annual Department of Education and Training (DE&T) ‘On Track’ survey of school leavers – a large-scale survey run by the Social Research Centre, on behalf of the Department of Education and Training.
The survey is designed to monitor the destination outcomes of Year 12 completers and Early School Leavers six months after leaving school. This is designed to find out if they are on track to a bright future, provides an understanding into post-school destinations and pathways, and highlights the diversity of pathways young people successfully pursue after leaving secondary school.
NMLLEN partners with the Department of Education and Training (DET) to provide the follow-up assistance to these young people. NMLLEN are notified by SRC and conduct the following support to students from the survey results:
- Contact the student after leaving school
- Assist the student with further advice if they are not studying or in full time employment.
The outcome of the surveys aims to provide the ability to:
- Offer a consistent and comprehensive approach to monitoring the transitions of school leavers;
- Provide a referral service for school leavers who appear to be experiencing difficulties in the transition process;
- Report the information to schools, TAFE institutions and other education providers, organisations concerned with assisting young people, policymakers, parents and students; and
- Provide detailed analysis of transition experienced by different groups of leavers;
- Enable education providers to use the findings to monitor and improve their programs.