The Mildura Region Trade Training Centre (MRTTC) is a partnership with NMLLEN and 12 consortium schools established in 2013 for students to access vocational education training courses and increase Pre-VET and VET pathways to address national and local skills shortages in traditional trades and emerging industries. NMLLEN is a major player in the planning and implementation of the Mildura Region Trade Training Centre Consortium.
The twelve schools in the Consortium are:
- Mildura Senior College
- St. Joseph’s College
- Chaffey Secondary College
- Merbein P-10 College
- Irymple Secondary College
- Red Cliffs Secondary College
- Trinity Lutheran College
- Coomealla High School
- Werrimull P-12 School
- Henderson College
- Mildura Specialist School
- Two RiversCommunity College (not in operation)
The Deakin and Riverside Trade Training Centres (located at Mildura Senior College and St. Joseph’s College, Mildura Mercy Campus) are the two major facilities delivering vocational education training delivered to secondary students (VETDSS) locally. MRTTC has led to an expansion of VET training in schools, improved Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates and is addressing local skill shortages in traditional trades and emerging industries.
The Deakin Trade Training Centre (DTTC) located at Mildura Senior College was constructed to house workshop facilities in six important trades: automotive, engineering, building and construction, electrotechnology, furniture and cabinet making and hospitality. The Riverside Trade Training Centre (RTTC) located at the Mercy Campus was refurbished to house a hair salon and commercial kitchen to deliver hairdressing and hospitality subjects. The DTTC continue to offer the six trades and RTTC offer VETDSS subjects in Kitchen Operations, Hospitality, Beauty Services, Makeup and Salon Assistance.
In 2021, NMLLEN on behalf of the Mildura Region Trade Training Centre (MRTTC) were requested by the Committee of Management to survey consortium schools that offer Pre-VET subjects and electives to students as part of the ongoing development of the Mildura Region Trade Training Centre. The survey was conducted by NMLLEN with participation from 10 consortium schools, seeking to understand if students are being exposed to a range of vocational pathways prior to the commencement of their senior secondary schooling in years 11 and 12. Several suggestions from the consortium schools were presented from the Survey report to the MRTTC Committee of Management.